Future budget of ES for the period 2014-2020 is part of Strategy ,,Europe 2020”. Budget proposal have to allow:
• financing of common policies;
• assisting the less developed regions by applying the principle of solidarity;• completion of the internal market;
• promoting of concerted effort, collaboration and large-scale projects in research, innovation and justice;
• finding a permanent answer to the new challenges that require community approach at European level, such as climate change, demographic change and humanitarian catastrophes.
EU has to be competitive in innovation if it wants to play a leading role on the world stage. However, it lags behind in terms of innovation and research. To compensate for this, the Commission wishes to increase the level of EU investment in research and development and it should reach 3% of GDP. For this purpose, the Commission plans to submit the 2014-2020 EUR 80 billion in the Common Strategic Framework for research and innovation, that are supported by the Structural Funds.
EU uses its cohesion policy of solidarity to the regions most disadvantaged. Cohesion policy plays a leading role in achieving the aims and objectives of the strategy “Europe 2020” across the EU. The Commission wants to create a new category of regions, namely the “transition regions” which will include all regions whose GDP per capita is between 75% and 90% of the average for the 27 EU countries.
On the other hand, unemployment and poverty require coordination of actions at national and European level. Therefore the European Social Fund (ESF) plays a leading role. His work can be completed by the PROGRESS program and network EURES.
The Commission proposes to allocate EUR 376 billion for the cost of the instruments of cohesion policy and to allocate that amount between these distinct areas:
• 162,6 billion EUR for the regions under the “Convergence”
• 38,9 billion EUR for the transition regions;
• 53,1 billion EUR for regions under the ‘Competitiveness’;
• 11,7 billion EUR for territorial cooperation;
• 68,7 billion EUR for the Cohesion Fund.
Fully functioning single market depends on modern infrastructure. The Commission therefore decided to propose the creation of a Connecting Europe to provide access to the internal market for all. The Commission will allocate EUR 40 billion to create the mechanism for connecting Europe and 10 billion EUR, related transport investments inside the Cohesion Fund. This amount will be divided into three different sections:
•9,1 billion EUR for energy;
• 31,6 billion EUR for transport;
• 9,1 billion EUR for ICT.
CAP needs to be competitive, to ensure adequate and safe food supply, to protect the environment and nature in rural areas, while ensuring a fair standard of living for people working in this sector. To achieve these objectives, the Commission intends to make some changes to include CAP strategy “Europe 2020”. In the future, the budget for agriculture will promote sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against climate change and contribute to balanced regional development in Europe.
The Commission intends to retain the two-pillar structure of the CAP, with the more ecological and more evenly distributed first pillar and focus more on competitiveness and innovation, the fight against climate change and the environment pillar. It intends to introduce the following changes:• greening of direct payments;• convergence of payments;• capping of direct payments.
The Commission proposes to allocate:
• 281,8 billion EUR for the first pillar of the CAP;
• 89,9 billion EUR for rural development.
In addition, an amount of EUR 15.2 billion will be distributed among the following sectors:
• 4,5 billion EUR for research and innovation;
• 2,2 billion EUR for food safety;
• 2,5 billion EUR for food aid;
• 3,5 billion EUR for a new reserve for potential crises in the agricultural sector;
• EUR 2.5 billion on the European Globalisation Adjustment.
Strategy “Europe 2020” focuses on the need to increase the number of higher education in Europe and combating early school leaving, while appreciating the cultural and media activities. The current architecture of programs that seek to achieve these objectives, it is still very fragmented. The Commission therefore proposes to introduce a unified program of education, training and youth. The Commission therefore wants to provide EUR 15.2 billion in education and training, and EUR 1.6 billion for culture. This funding should be complemented by structural funds.