Bulgaria – an ideal business environment

Cohesion fund

Essence and aims:
The Cohesion Fund is aimed to help Member States whose Gross National Product (GNP) per person is below 90% of the Community average to reduce their economic and social problems , as well as to stabilize their economy. It supports actions in the framework of the “Convergence” is now subject to the same rules of the programming, management and monitoring as the ESF and ERDF.

For the period 2007-2013 Cohesion Fund is directed to Greece, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania. Spain is entitled to temporary help because her GDP is lower than the European average of 15.
Financing from CF:
Cohesion Fund financing activities, which are in the following areas :
• Trans-European transport networks, notably priority projects of European interest as defined by the European Union;
• Environment. As such, the Cohesion Fund can also support projects related to energy or transport, as long as they have environmental benefits: energy efficiency, renewable energy, developing rail transport, supporting transport strengthening of public transport, etc.
Changes for next programming period:
There are not main changes in ways of funding by CH. Again funding will be eligible for countries in which GDP in bellow 90% of average in EU.

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